Saturday, May 24, 2008

Women want Polygamy

> You seem to be a man who is using > desire to have connubial relations... under
> the OLDEST disguise in the book, saying GOD
> wants you to practice some ordiance
> and CERTAINLY not one that has the
> best interests of others at heart.

I used to believe that women suffered under polygamy, but then I saw so many attractive women (Mormon and Gentile) who were SO willing to share a wealthy or successful man rather than have a less successful one of theirown that I came to the conclusion that women _jumped_ into plural marriage with both arms and legs! While it is true that the _first_ wife was often tested, the other wives couldn't wait to bed down with a wealthy male! I've seen dozens of young active Mormon women jump into bed with my rich male friends (Mormon or Gentile) at _less_ than the drop of the hat, merely in the "hope" that this wealthy man would fall in love with them and marry them. So PLEASE don't present polygamy as merely a man's excuse to get multiply laid! It was a God-send to many women too; who insist on a rich man (even a shared one) or no man at all.

As far as Christians practicing polygamy; tens of thousands do in Africa. Jesus upheld the Mishnah; which authorizes plural marriage. He did not abrogate it. Paul told Church leaders not to practice it, because it was against Roman law. In Latin America, most men who are Middle Class and Upper Class have at least one concubine, and often a complete separate "wife" and children. This is common in Catholic countries! These women (millions of them) would rather share a successful man, than have one poor one all for themselves.

> You dont know women well if you think that a
>self respecting woman will settle for second
>fiddle when she can conduct the band.

Millions do--all over the world. I know of _many_ Mormon women (even some active) who are the concubines of rich Gentile (and in one case an active Mormon) men. These are always very attractive women. Any one of them could find a nice single man and marry them, but they insist on being "second fiddle" because their instinct for wealth is very high. There are millions of concubines and mistresses all over the world like this today; who PUT THEMSELVES as "second fiddle"; not only willingly, but enthusiasticly.

Jesus said "What God hath joined, let no man put asunder", but then yet He authorizes divorse in the case of adultery (authorizes men--judges--to put asunder the marriage). God authorized polygamy under the Law of Moses NOT because of men, but because of women! Some women will have a rich man, or not at all. God says: "Okay, but you must share". The LORD said to David, "I have given thee they master's wives unto they bosom" (2 Samuel 12). I _don't think_ God would give David women so he would commit adultery with them! Do you?

> You want LOVERS. 

Those men obsessed with "sex" are those men that women love to give "sex" to! They are spoiled, and women have spoiled them! Many men are quite satisfied with one woman. The day that attractive women stop "overfeeding" rich and successful men with sex, is the day all men become satisfied with one woman.

> You enjoy the sexuality of it,
>the attention of having all these
>women focus on you like some harem.

The men I know who are most lacivious, are the ones the women are most attracted to!!! If women didn't jump into bed with these men at _every_ drop of the hat, and simply choose men who were righteous, then men wouldn't be lacivioius at all! Women LOVE men who are rich/powerful (ala Monica Lewinsky et al), and will offer them sex, SEX, SSSSEEEEEXXXXXXX anytime--anywhere--any place-- the men want it! So, please, don't place all the blame on us men! If women simply got "lock jaw of the knees" tomorrow to any man who was married, or who was sexually spoiled, then all of this would end--tomorrow! As far as Joseph Smith goes. I will say this: POLYGAMY is _honest_! Beautiful women have, are, and will continue to offer themselves to powerful men; anywhere, anytime, and under ANY circumstances! Why not legitimize it? Look at the massive hypocrisy in Roman Catholic countries; where polygamy flourishes FAR more than it ever did in Utah, but the Catholic Church denies it! Look at the Mormon Church today. I would guess that perhaps 15% to 20% of all Mormon women are currently involved NOT in plural marriage, but in concubinage (the girlfriends or mistresses or wealthy Gentile--and in some cases Mormon--men): NOT against their will, but in accordance with their wishes (this refers to mostly inactive LDS women). There is also a large percentage of active LDS women who are married to Gentile men. One of my previous jobs was to "convert" the men. I've met literally "hundreds" of these couples. And you could bet your eternal soul: 1) A beautiful Mormon woman was _always_ married to a rich Gentile man in these situations! 2) Most of these men smoked and/or drank. Many of these women told me that their husbands had girlfriends. 3) A fat and/or unattractive active Mormon woman _never_ had a rich/successful Gentile husband!

If the LORD authorized Joseph Smith to have sex with all those women, then it was justified; like He justified His servant David. If JS went overboard with this (as he probably did) then he will have to pay for it. Joseph Smith is a sinner. So was David. This doesn't necessarily mean they weren't both inspired of God. I believe God inspired both of them. I also believe they both "over did it" regarding plural marriage.

In conclusion:

Instead of chastising men for being obsessed with sex with multiple women, try for once telling the women to stop giving it out so much to these men, and be satisfied with their "own" husband.

Darrick Evenson

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is the most throughly thought out explanation of this subject I have ever came across.